14 research outputs found

    Impacto dos perfis atitudinais, autoconceito e envolvimento parental no rendimento a matemática - um estudo com alunos do 6º ano de escolaridade

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    O rendimento a matemática tem sido apontado por diversos estudos como sendo multivariado, para além das associadas ao aluno de natureza cognitiva, afetiva e atitudinais, temos vindo a assistir ao incremento de estudos que apontam variáveis associadas ao envolvimento parental. Neste estudo apontamos como meta a caracterização rendimento a matemática de alunos do 6º ano de escolaridade, em função dos perfis atitudinais, do autoconceito e do envolvimento parental. A amostra é composta por 159 alunos, do 6º ano do ensino básico português, aos quais foram aplicados o Questionário de Atitudes Face à Escola, o Questionário de Atitudes Face à Matemática, o Questionário de Variáveis Contextuais- Apoio à Família, a Prova de Autoconceito (PHCSCS-2, Veiga, 2006) e o Questionário das Atitudes dos Pais Face à Escola QAPFE) (Neto, Candeias & Pomar, 2010) De um modo geral, os resultados demonstraram que a nota a matemática continua a ter uma participação explicativa forte nas variáveis cognitivas e académicas, e em menor proporção de variáveis emocionais e atitudinais. No entanto, consideramos necessário mais estudos neste sentido, mas de forma longitudinal de forma a verificar se existe alguma alteração destes resultados ao longo do percurso escolar; The impact of attitudinal profiles, self-concept and parental involvement towards the efficiency at mathematics - a study with students from year 6 Abstract: Performance in mathematics has been pointed out by several studies as being multivariate, in addition to those associated with the cognitive, affective and attitudinal nature of the student, we have seen an increase in studies that point out variables associated with parental involvement. In this study, our aim is to characterize the performance of year 6 students in Mathematics, according to their attitudinal profiles, self-concept and parental involvement. The sample is composed by 159 year 6 students from the portuguese basic education, to whom was applied the Questionnaire of Attitudes towards school, the Questionnaire of Attitudes towards Mathematics, the Contextual Variables questionnaire – Family support, the Self-Concept test (PHCSCS-2, Veiga, 2006) and Questionnaire of Parent´s Attitudes towards School (QAPFE) (Neto, Candeias & Pomar, 2010). In general, the results prove that the students mathematics score continues to strongly participate in the cognitive and academic variables and in a lower proportion when it come to the emotional and attitudinal variables. However, we consider that it is necessary to perform more studies in this sense, but in a longitudinal manner in order to check if there are any alterations of these results throughout the academic path

    O projeto arco íris: O que pensam as crianças sobre os professores

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    O presente relatório de estágio foi elaborado no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, sob a orientação da Doutora Daniela Gonçalves, da Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti. Este percurso investigativo tem como finalidade perquirir a qualidade na docência em contexto de 1.º Ciclo, mais especificamente, a qualidade na docência aos olhos das crianças e dos docentes envolvidos no projeto Arco-íris da associação Ajudaris, indagando quais as características que definem um bom docente, ou seja, quais as qualidades pressupostas para um bom professor, implicando a promoção do sucesso, cidadania e valores nos seus alunos e confrontando as opiniões dos docentes e dos alunos associados ao projeto. Neste sentido, foram adotados diferentes procedimentos metodológicos para formular o presente relatório: revisão bibliográfica e, ainda, no que diz respeito à recolha de dados, foi aplicada uma entrevista aos professores envolvidos no projeto Arco-Íris e realizado um focus group com os alunos, bem como a análise documental de diferentes documentos. Os principais resultados apontam para uma definição clara relativamente ao que é ser bom professor, apesar da existência de alguns constrangimentos tais como: o elevado número de alunos por sala, a legislação e a falta de tempo para acompanhar o aluno. De salientar a importância do tempo que cada docente dedica ao aluno; um tempo de acompanhamento, preocupação e envolvimento na vida pessoal e social do estudante. Olhar para o aluno e perceber aquilo de que este necessita é a definição mais clara do que é ser um bom professorThe present internship report was developed in the context of the Master's Pre-school and Primary Education, under the leadership of Dr. Daniela Gonçalves, from Paula Frassinetti College Education. This investigative journey has its purpose in ascertain the teaching quality in the field of Primary Education, more specifically from the eyes of the children and the teachers envolved in the "Arco-Íris" project from the "Ajudaris" Association. To make it possible, it was necessary to seek for the features which define a good teacher. In other words, the qualities inherent in a great teacher, which combines the promotion of sucess, citizenship and values in its students, confronting the opinions and ideas of all the persons envolved in this project. To this end, were adopted different methodological procedures in order to formulate the present report: bibliographic review and also, in which concerns the data collection, it was applied an interview to the teachers envolved in "Arco-Íris" project. It was also implemented a focus group with the students, as well as a documental analysis of all supporting documents. The main results points to a clear definition regarding on what is considered to be a good teacher, despite the existence of some contraints as: an high number of pupils per classroom, the legislation and the lack of time to accompany them. It is worth emphasising the importance of the time which each teacher dedicates to his student - a time of accompaniment, concernment and involvement in the personal and social life of the children. To look beyond the student and realize his needs is the clearest definition of a great teache

    A decomposition approach to the integrated vehicle-crew-rostering problem

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    The problem addressed in this paper is the integrated vehicle-crew-rostering problem (VCRP) aiming to define the schedules for the buses and the rosters for the drivers of a public transit company. The VCRP is described by a bi-objective mixed binary linear programming model with one objective function aggregating vehicle and crew scheduling costs and the other the rostering features. The VCRP is solved by a heuristic approach based on Benders decomposition where the master problem is partitioned into daily integrated vehicle-crew scheduling problems and the sub-problem is a rostering problem. Computational experience with data from a bus company in Lisbon shows the ability of the decomposition approach for producing a variety of potentially efficient solutions for the VCRP within low computing times

    Solving Public Transit Scheduling Problems

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    Operational planning within public transit companies has been extensively tackled but still remains a challenging area for operations research models and techniques. This phase of the planning process comprises vehicle scheduling, crew scheduling and rostering problems. In this paper, a new integer mathematical formulation to describe the integrated vehicle-crew-rostering problem is presented. The method proposed to solve this multi-objective problem is a sequential algorithm considered within a preemptive goal programming framework that starts from the solution of an integrated vehicle and crew scheduling problem and ends with the solution of a driver rostering problem. Feasible solutions for the vehicle and crew scheduling problem are obtained by combining a column generation scheme with a branch-and-bound method. These solutions are the input of the rostering problem, which is tackled through a mixed binary linear programming approach. An application to real data of a Portuguese bus company is reported and shows the importance of integrating the three scheduling problems

    Branching approaches for integrated vehicle and crew scheduling

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    The integrated multi-depot vehicle and crew scheduling problem simultaneously builds vehicle blocks and crew duties. We present an integer mathematical formulation that combines a multi-commodity flow model with a mixed set partitioning/covering model. We propose solution approaches that start by solving the linear programming relaxation of the model. Whenever the resulting linear programming solution is not integer, three branching alternative strategies can be applied: a branch-and-bound algorithm and two branch-and-price schemes. The branch-and-bound algorithm performs branching over the set of feasible crew duties generated while solving the linear relaxation. In the first branch-and-price scheme the linear programming relaxation is solved approximately, while in the second one it is solved exactly. Computational experience is reported over two different types of problems: randomly generated data publicly available for benchmarking in the Internet and data from a bus company operating in Lisbon


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    Abstract. We propose a branch-and-price algorithm to solve the integrated multidepot vehicle and crew scheduling problem. An integer mathematical formulation that combines a multicommodity network flow model with a set partionning model is presented. We solve the corresponding linear relaxation using a column generation scheme. Two branching strategies are tested over benchmark instances available in the Internet. Computational results show the effectiveness of our approach. 1. The Integrated Vehicle and Crew Scheduling Problem The vehicle and the crew scheduling problems are important combinatorial optimization problems that arise in the planning process of mass transit companies. Usually, vehicles are scheduled before the crews. During the vehicle scheduling process one has to optimally link timetabled trips producing vehicle blocks, so that each vehicle block forms a feasible schedule for a vehicle. If vehicles are located at different depots, one has to simultaneously construct the vehicle blocks and assign them to the depots. Then, the problem is NP-Hard. On the crew scheduling problem one has to ensure that a set of crews covers the set of vehicle blocks at minimum cost. Each vehicle block is split into pieces of work, sequences of timetabled trips and deadhead trips, where a change of driver is not allowed. A crew duty is a combination of pieces of work that respects several constraints such as maximum and minimum spread, maximum working time without a break, break duration and a maximum number of changeovers. The vehicle blocks characteristics influence the resulting crew duties and the crew duty set may lead to changes on the original vehicle blocks

    Solving the Robust Container Pre-Marshalling Problem

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    Tierney K, Voß S. Solving the Robust Container Pre-Marshalling Problem. In: Paias A, Ruthmair M, Voß S, eds. Computational Logistics: 7th International Conference, ICCL 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, September 7-9, 2016, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 9855. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2016: 131-145.Container terminals across the world sort the containers in the stacks in their yard in a process called pre-marshalling to ensure their efficient retrieval for onward transport. The container pre-marshalling problem (CPMP) has mainly been considered from a deterministic perspective, with containers being assigned an exact exit time from the yard. However, exact exit times are rarely known, and most containers can at best be assigned a time interval in which they are expected to leave. We propose a method for solving the robust CPMP (RCPMP) to optimality that computes a relaxation of the robust problem and leverages this within a solution procedure for the deterministic CPMP. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approach on a dataset of 900 RCPMP instances, finding solutions in many cases in under a second

    Agent-based support for container terminals to make appointments with barges

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    We consider a container terminal that has to make appointments with barges dynamically with only limited knowledge about future arriving barges, and in the view of uncertainty and disturbances. We study this problem using a case study at the Port of Rotterdam, considering a proposed multi-agent system for aligning barge rotations and terminal quay schedules. We take the perspective of a single terminal participating in this system and focus on the decision making capabilities of its intelligent agent. Using simulation, with input settings based on characteristics of the larger terminals within the Port of Rotterdam, we analyze the benefits of our approach. We conclude that a terminal can increase its utilization significantly by using various sources of flexibility in the operational plannin

    Service and transfer selection for freights in a synchromodal network

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    We study the problem of selecting services and transfers in a synchromodal network to transport freights with different characteristics, over a multi-period horizon. The evolution of the network over time is determined by the decisions made, the schedule of the services, and the new freights that arrive each period. Although freights become known gradually over time, the planner has probabilistic knowledge about their arrival. Using this knowledge, the planner balances current and future costs at each period, with the objective of minimizing the expected costs over the entire horizon. To model this stochastic finite horizon optimization problem, we propose a Markov Decision Process (MDP) model. To overcome the computational complexity of solving the MDP, we propose a heuristic approach based on approximate dynamic programming. Using different problem settings, we show that our look-ahead approach has significant benefits compared to a benchmark heuristic